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How Your Money Helps

Every penny you raise during World Orphan Week will make a difference and we can guarantee that 100% of donations go directly to the children and our projects.

Working in 123 countries, SOS Children provide orphaned and abandoned children with a home, a family and a new mother in a purpose-built local Village for life.

Over 70,000 AIDS orphans, street children, child soldiers and children orphaned by war, poverty, illness or natural disasters currently live with their SOS mother and family in our unique SOS Children's Villages. A further one million children and adults benefit from our community outreach programmes which help vulnerable biological families stay together.

SOS Children makes a lasting impact on every child and family it helps. Here you can learn about how your money will make a difference.

How will your money help?

  • £2.66 will pay for a new mattress for a child in an SOS Children’s Village in Malawi.
  • £2.80 will pay for a mosquito net for a child in an SOS Children’s Village in Malawi
  • £6 will pay for a brand new school desk at an SOS Primary School in Malawi
  • £10 pays for a child’s food, medicine, schools fees and clothes for a month on our AIDS outreach programme in Swaziland
  • £36 will pay for a child’s clothes, including two school uniforms, at an SOS Children’s Village in Malawi
  • £100 will pay an entire month’s medical expenses at an SOS Children’s Village in Africa
  • £2,000 buys new playground equipment for an SOS nursery school in Eastern Europe
  • £3,000 pays for a community outreach nurse to visit 240 HIV/AIDS affected families for a year. She will provide the families with advice, care and health education
  • £5,000 will pay for a library to help children in the local community surrounding Children’s Villages in Africa with their school work
  • £7,500 will pay for a blood analyser to test people in Southern Africa for HIV/AIDS as well as other sexually transmitted infections
  • £20,000 will pay for all the medical supplies needed for a year at an SOS Mother and Child Clinic in Latin America
  • £32,000 will equip and furnish a brand new medical centre Africa which will benefit over thousands of children and families a year

Hassan’s story

Your money will be helping children like Hassan.

Child story Darfur, Sudan

When he was twelve, Hassan’s Village in Darfur, Sudan, was raided by Janjaweed (a group of Arab militiamen). Hassan witnessed his father's killing and the killing of many family members, neighbours and friends. He was kicked out of his Village, and, together with his mother – feld for his life.

Hassan managed to escape to a refugee camp, where like most families, they were given a tent to stay in and eventually built their own thatch-roofed mud-hut. For many months, Hassan suffered from nightmares and phobias and began to suffer from depression. The SOS Children psycho-social relief centre (one of the key operational units of the SOS Emergency Relief Programme Darfur) have been helping Hassan recover from his traumatic experiences ever since.

With constant care and attention, Hassan has slowly begun to recover and today he is flourishing at school. The SOS Children psycho-social relief centre is helping him and other children like him live a normal life.

Read more child stories and learn about who will benefit from the money you raise.

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