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Pakistan Supporters' Group - Thank you!

We are very grateful to everyone that has and continues to support us, here are some of the events that have taken place and the people and groups we would like to thank:

Giving Hope
Thanks go to Giving Hope, an organisation set up by British Airways employees in response to the earthquake, for their generous support and donations to the SOS Kashmir earthquake Appeal. The money will be used to provide a new family home for children orphaned by the earthquake at the SOS Children’s Village in Islamabad.

A Night to Remember - Held on the Dixie Queen Thames 24th June 06, the Supporters’ Group held a cruise on the Thames, looked back at their achievements over10 years and looked forwards to rebuilding the shattered lives, hopes and dreams of the children from the earthquake.

Bike ride - Waseem Saddique’s 48 mile bike ride last year through New Forest raised money to buy playground equipment for chidren in the SOS Lahore Village. His bike ride on 25th June 2006 has raised considerable amounts of money for sports equipment in the villages.

Exhibition - 14th July 2006 Dr Haider of Prince Philip Hospital in Wales displayed donated artwork alongside images taken by himself during his visit to Muzafarabad

Cooking demonstration and bazaar - Onaiza Fice organised a cooking demonstration and bazaar bringing together mothers who wanted to find out more about the charity.

Cargo drop offs - Deba Siddiqui of British Airways has been arranging despatches of clothing, vitamins and shoes for the earthquake children in the emergency shelter.

Concert - Jill Scarfe organised a concert in Barrow upon Trent to raise money for the earthquake relief effort.

St Catherine’s Day - Infants at Haberdashers’ Aske’s School for Girls, Elstree, devised ingenious ways of raising money by organising stalls and selling gifts that they had made in their first retail experiences in November 2005.

Mufti day - held at Northwood College, Middlesex held a mufti day wear girls wore green and white as a tribute to the Pakistan flag.

Iftaari - During Ramadan October 2005 Maysa Ibrahim invited guests to Levant Restaurant for a fund raising Iftaari.

Pakistani Bankers Association - invited the supporters group to their Eid Lunch in London to update them about the SOS relief efforts after the earthquake. 35 people filled out sponsor forms.

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