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Mogadishu fighting: Shells damage orphans' homes


Following the damage caused by mortar shells at the SOS Children’s Village Mogadishu almost two weeks ago, 13 more shells hit the village yesterday afternoon.

Ethiopian troops were carrying out operations near to the village in the Somali capital of Mogadishu, when heavy machine gun fire was heard at about 4.00 pm (local time). All the children, youths and mothers fled to the specially built bunker in the village designed to protect them from this sort of attack. Between 4.15pm and 5.30pm, the project was hit by 13 mortar shells, five of which landed among the family homes, two on staff houses and six in the hospital compound. Five SOS co-workers were injured - a driver, a technician and three security guards. All have been admitted to the SOS Hospital under the care of SOS medical staff and are doing well. Two project vehicles were also badly damaged. The situation is now calm although the children, mothers and youths remain in the shelter for the time being.
SOS Children's Villages co-workers are closely monitoring the situation in Mogadishu and will take all necessary action to protect the children, mothers, youth and staff. Any further developments will be advised.

Relevant Countries: Somalia.

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