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First Reports from Jakarta Floods


Following three days of massive rain the Indonesian capital of Jakarta has seen its rivers burst covering the city in mud and water. The homes of around a third of a million people are under water and electricity is cut off for twice this number.

This is a first status report from the National Director of SOS Desa Taruna Indonesia, Mr Gregor Nitihardjo:

About 60 % of the area of Jakarta is now affected by flooding, with nearly 400,000 of the 9 million inhabitants homeless. The eastern parts of town are worst affected, especially in the vicinity of river banks.

The SOS Mothers and other workers from our Jakarta Children's Village (who provide permanent family care for orphaned and abandoned children, since the Village was founded in 1984) are working preparing emergency parcels as we write. We will start distributing parcels by Sunday 4 Feb evening. A team of our charity's workers from the children's village in Lembang (which is just to the North; see map on relevant country page below) have travelled over to help with the distribution.

Distribution will be logistically difficult, especially since many people are staying in flooded buildings afraid of looting. It is difficult to reach people in these circumstances, but expected that victims will try to reach central areas to pick up emergency supplies and return to their houses.

The floods are expected to continue for at least a number of days and health concerns are mounting for families in floodwater but refusing to leave their homes.

None of our own SOS buildings are directly affected. Our SOS Children's Village is located at the outskirts of town, on higher ground and there is no danger of flooding.

Relevant Countries: Indonesia.

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