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Take the pain out of practising factors


SOS supporter Mr Ord Adams has devised a fun board game for children to learn to factorise numbers and has offered to give SOS Children half of the sale price for anyone who mentions us when they purchase it.

However, before agreeing to this our CEO Andrew Cates thought he ought to try it with his own children (who are in years 2 and 4 at school and both good at maths). "Facto has two dice which together generate a number between 1 and 99: each throw you move a number of squares depending on how well you factorise whatever you throw on the dice. My kids love it. I would recommend it to anyone who wanted to occupy young children in a constructive way for a long time".

The game includes the dice, the board with four counters to move, a "referee sheet" in case there is no one to settle arguments over hard sums and a helper sheet to level things up for any children who know some of their times tables but not all of them. That way children of different ages can compete fairly.

You can purchase Facto for £9.99 from the Facto websiteand don't forget to mention SOS Children's Villages to add to the funds we will raise from it.

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