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Christmas Letter to Sponsors from SOS Children Cambodia


We have a great honor to send you our sincere gratitude for your generous support to our SOS Children of Cambodia. Moreover, we would like to dedicate our high acknowledgement to your contribution which has contributed to us in the way of development. During the current year, we notice that our SOS Children’s Village Battambang has rapidly grown as stated below.

This current year the children have increased from 37 to 134 of whom there are 68 girls and 66 boys. In addition , for the academic year 2007-2008 our SOS Kindergarten Battambang has obtained 113 students of whom there are 53 girls and 60 boys including 25 children from SOS Children’s Village Battambang, 10 scholarship students (6 girls, 4 boys), and the other 88 students (43 girls, 45 boys) from surrounding community. There are 103 children (56 girls, 47 boys) of our children are attending the public primary school, a girl is attending secondary school and the other 5 children are preschooler.

According to the root of SOS Children which mentioned that we respect varying religion and culture, SOS Children’s Village Battambang has celebrated the national festivals day and significant SOS events yearly due to the respect and joy. On the 23rd of June the SOS day was marked in SOS Children’s Village Battambang compound with an enthusiastic participation from our Kindergarten teachers, SOS mothers, aunts as well as our SOS co-workers. They all enjoyed a special dinner, meanwhile our children were organized a recreation within our village with different games and contests. Furthermore, during the summer vacation, children were arranged to visit Sampao Mountain where they had lots of fun. As part of life skill development, children have been encouraged to create greeting cards and painting in their free time, these activities aim to develop their creativities and logical thinking. As a result the greeting cards have not only sent to each sponsor as a present but also display in their own house and school. Presently, there are two types of sport have been established by SOS Children’s Village Battambang such as Football and Volleyball. It plans to promote those groups in to the National Competition in the next coming year. Moreover, in response to the social responsibility, all mothers, aunts, co-workers and older children have attended on Aids training program to be aware of activities that allow HIV transmission and are not infections which was conducted by Provincial Hospital Officer.

Our SOS children were recommended by public school as a good student. Also, all of SOS children have passed their school examination and promoted to the next level. Once again, the most noticed thing is 23 of our children have been recognized as outstanding student at their school from different level. In response to the great result which obtained by our children, the village director has organized a wonderful tour to visit Angkor Wat temple for 3 days. With this tour they have learned more about history of Angkor Wat which is the greatest heritages of Cambodia. On the other hand, the SOS Social Centre has already finished construction and going to operate in the nearest future.

As a result during this year SOS Children Battambang has accomplished a lot of activities and achievements as mention above. We found that all of the above achievements could not have happened without your support. Your kindness brought to our children a wonderful family, happiness, knowledge and life development.

Finally, on behalf of our children and co-workers we would like to dedicate our acknowledgement to you and your family and wish you a marry Christmas and Happy New Year.


Mr.Tashi Rubling
SOS Children project Director

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